3 Oct 2014

Stroke 113 - Citroen C4 Cactus

Citroen goes back to the origins and make risks with an innovative concept.

The bodye airbags are only the most visible and controversial part of this model, but the big difference is in the small details that allow to present a low cost good traveler, cuting the superfluous in favor of the essential.

The result is controversial but very nice, let's see how he grows old...

As for SketchUp, the model was created from orthogonal photos, facilitating the modeling and texturing.

First the image showing the work done:

A photo montage to match the concept of freedom:

The video to show the complete work:

And the "photo-blueprint" of the final model:


  1. hello, this model was done for a client, I can not share, I have some models in the 3d warehouse that may interest: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/user.html?id=0971243465875267193401561
