10 Jun 2019

Stroke 186 - Tesla Model 3

It came, It saw and It conquered; it is the Model 3 of Tesla.

Already the most sold all-electric car in the world, which in itself says a lot about the brand's cheaper model.

Without risking too much on the exterior design, the Model 3 is still elegant and dynamic, but above all, consensual, which, along with the technology that Tesla has proven to dominate, are ingredients to win.

As for my 3d, it was the usual modeling from the technical drawings, simplified to the essential and with the detail offered by the photographic textures.

Let's start with the image that shows the modeling work:

A photomontage next to the Electricity Museum in my Lisbon:

Some general images:

The video to show the full work:

And the photo-blueprint of the final model:

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